Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Puerto Madero

So even though we had a bunch of work to do for studio this week, a few of us decided to go out and see some sites on sunday. We went to Puerto Madero, which was the main port in BA for a period of time but not anymore. A lot of existing buildings have been remodeled and house restaurants, stores, and other businesses. They are also building a lot of high rise housing projects. The architects here have pretty strong feelings about the area, and believe that it is not as successful as it could be. As for me I have formed no opinion except that I enjoyed my few hours walking around the area. One of the big draws was a bridge by Calatrava called La Muejer (the woman). He based the form of off the position in the Tango when the woman is dipped. It was a cool pedestrian bridge, one of his smaller works, but still very fun to see in person. After we walked through Plaza de Mayo (the photo of me chasing the pigeon is here, but it was from a different trip, i just thought I would include it with this post. Next to the plaza was a pretty monumental building that we decided to check out and it turned out to be a really pretty church. In it were a lot of niches with artwork and areas to pray to different saints. One of them however contained a Mausoleum to an important general (I think). I also took another pic for erika of the backside of nuns praying. The picture of the tree is just a somthing random. I saw it and thought it had the weirdest looking trunt. All in all it was a nice few hours out on the town and a good break from homework. I hope everyone is doing well! I am going to try and keep the posts coming!


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